The Illustrated World of
The creation of something new and fun.
This pen name and choice to do illustrated children's books came after I lost one of the most precious souls in my life. My aunt Robin. She was a child at heart and loved all things music, books, cartoons and coloring books. Not to mention her love of Barbie dolls, stuffed animals, and cartoons.
Even though she is no longer with us, I wanted to do something special, so her memory lives on with her family and to inspire other little people to read more. My dog is a big part of this world, as she is the main character. And just as silly in person as she is on paper.
An Illustrated Children's Book
By Rae Williams
Meet Dixie, a little pup who loves to play with her bug friends and kitty neighbor.
Follow her as she happily goes through her days of playing with toys, eating treats, and being with her favorite human in the world–Robin!
From morning to night, Dixie is one happy pup!
Meet the real Robin and Dixie.